Editing Services

When you have a message for the world, whether it comes in the form of a book, magazine, website, video, speech, or another format altogether, you want that message to clearly and effectively resonate with your audience. You also want to make sure your unique voice shines through. As a well-rounded editor with nearly two decades of professional experience working with writers of all kinds, I can help you strengthen and polish your message while ensuring your voice doesn’t get lost in the process.

I’ve worked as a magazine editor for the majority of my career, but I have also edited guidebooks, memoirs, technical manuals, nonprofit reports, destination database entries, park guides, fiction novels, academic texts, literary journals, and more. I’m equally versed in the AP Stylebook and the Chicago Manual of Style, and although I’ve developed a preference for the serial comma over the years, I can work easily with your house style guide or personal preferences to ensure your final copy adheres to your distinct style.

Speaking of individual style, I have developed house style guides from the ground up for multiple publications, including Parks & Recreation magazine, Outdoors Unlimited magazine, and the Journal of Wildlife Photography, and I can help your publication create a useful, customized resource to guide consistent copy across the board.

Services I offer:

  • Copy editing
  • Line editing
  • Developmental editing
  • Beta reading
  • Proofreading
  • Fact checking
  • House style guide development
  • Manuscript critiques
  • Book/article coaching
  • Tutoring (primarily for high school and college students)

If you’re new to writing for an audience, you may feel apprehensive about the editing process. It’s intimidating to put your words out there and ask someone to point out its flaws! I understand this mindset completely and provide my services in the spirit of encouragement, and I’m happy to work with anyone motivated to write regardless of their confidence level, education, background, or experience. If you’re really driven to write and ready to put in the work, you have the chops and I’ll be happy to help you bring your project to its full potential.

As no two projects are alike, my rates are customized to each one based on the agreed-upon deliverables, form and level of editing directed by the customer, format and complexity of the document, and turnaround time. An average estimate is around five cents per word, although actual rates vary widely and are negotiated up front.

If you have a project in need of an editor, let’s talk! I’d love to hear from you.

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